It IS possible to do BOTH!

Homeschooling and working are NOT mutually exclusive! In fact, many homeschooling moms bring in a part-time or full-time income to support their families!

Here at Work Life Glue, I'm committed to now only showing you that working AND homeschooling is possible, but also teach you how to run an online business to support your family if that is something you want to do!

Learn how to automate and streamline your online business from custom branded funnels to email marketing, from the basics of branding to setting up your webiste, this course will teach you how to fully automate and streamline your online business - which is essential for busy moms!

This is a great course if you have an online business or presence up and running already but want help creating funnels and converting your audience into customers and making a real impact!

Want to make money from home but completely confused as to how to create an online business? Does an online business sound alluring but you have no idea what you would even sell or create content about? You are in the right place!

This course is essentially an online business 101 course with case studies, examples, and detailed trainings that walk you through how to take your experiences or your passions and turn them into a business that not only makes you money but also makes the world a better place!

This course is a great pre-cursor to The Roadmap Course to help you come up with a business idea and learn the foundations of online business before you think about automating and steamlining.

If you are at the beginning stages of starting an online business (or you are just in the dreaming phase) and you want to start your business on the right foot, this bundle is the perfect option for you!

You will learn what kind of business you should start, how to create a mission statement, what kinds of content to create, how to create your target audience avatar, the best platforms to be on, and how to fit this all into a busy lifestyle - all with the Mompreneur Method course!

Then, once your business is started, you can dive into the Roadmap course and learn how to create funnels, market through emails to your audience, convert your audience to happy paying customers, and truly scale your business - all with a community supporting you along the way!

Bundling these courses is the most afforadable way to learn from both courses and build the business of your dreams!

Hi! I'm Sarah, homeschooling mom of 3 daughters, lover of drapey cardigans, and online business mentor for fellow moms who already homeschool or desire to homeschool! I've been a working mom inside the home since our first daughter was a newborn.

I've done so many things - nannying, running a daycare, a photography business, but I've been running and building an online business since long before I became a mom. I've tried just about everything online so you don't have to and now am able to teach the best path for busy moms so they can be home, potentially educate their children at home, and contribue to their family's finances!

I can't wait to bring more moms home!

- Sarah @ Work Life Glue

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